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Never be caught in a situation where you cannot give out a card because you don’t have one Never give out information to someone and not get theirs in return.


Do you know what happens to most business cards? in the desk or in the trash, but the contact is lost forever. Never again. 


Features of the Mobile App Virtual business card:

  • Your interested party instantly receives your information, right to their phone and your database collects their mobile number.Stay compliant with the right execution of the app

  • Build databases instantly and even over the phone

  • Get notified via text and/or email of the person’s phone number that receives your card

The Market: How Does Everyone Sound?

Well maybe not everyone, but anyone that has a business card could see the benefits of a virtual business card. It isn't just that it's environmentally friendly, or the fact that you never run out of them, but much more.

Virtual Business Cards

HipChime Mobile Marketing V Card

Advantages include:

  • Capturing potential clients information

  • Ease of creation of a much more powerful C.O.I. (circle of influence) marketing tool

  • Lead mining and continuing communication power, post-delivery of the V-Card

  • Comes with a FREE basic Mobile Landing Page.

John's Pizza


John Smith



1234 Main St

Chicago, IL 60615


Office: 312-123-4567

Mobile: 312-456-6789

© 2008 - 2016 by HipChime Mobile * Mobile Marketing, Mobile/Native Apps & HTML 5 Mobile Websites for Small Businesses * All Rights Reserved

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