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The Facts


A 2011 study concerning national health systems found that text message reminders reduced appointment no-shows by up to 50% and were more cost effective than any other reminder method. The study concluded that text message reminders were “particularly suitable” for increasing appointment attendance and improving customer communication.

Appointment Reminders

HipChime Mobile Marketing Appointment Reminder

A report released by the Consumer Health Information Corporation (CHIC), which was based on a survey of 395 respondents, showed that when asked how they would like to be reminded to perform a health related task, an overwhelming 41% said that they would like to receive a text reminder. Only 1.3% said they wanted to receive a phone call as a reminder.

A recent client of ours estimates that our Appointment Messaging feature frees up at least 10 hours per week of staff time previously devoted to manually scheduling and confirming appointments, and making reminder phone calls to patients. If this staff member earns just $10 per hour, our service pays for itself many times over.


Two other features of the module include:

Template Creation.


This allows for a user to set multiple templates for the messages they routinely send out. Once a message is scheduled with a template the platform will automatically pull in the first name of the contact the message is being sent to for additional personalization. This message can be scheduled out for an immediate send or for the future.


2-way Messaging​


When clients receive a message from the Contact Manager it creates a session in which they can respond back instantly via text message from their phone. The message then appears in the inbox of the platform and can then continue be responded to again by the operator of the platform. This web to phone chat session and message flow is archived in the platform and available for auditing at later dates.

HipChime Mobile Marketing Appointment Reminder
HipChime Mobile Marketing Appointment Reminder

Use this Appointment ROI Calculator to find the lost revenue of missed appointments and the revenue that can be regained by using our Appointment Reminder Features..

This service is utilized by Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians, Mechanics, Gyms, Trainers, Chiropractors and more. If a company would benefit from timely arrivals, fewer no-shows and happier clients, then look no further than this solution. Whether integrated into your existing appointment and scheduling software and auto-generated, or the inexpensive out-of-the box solution, the results will be dramatic in bringing a return-on-investment.

Studies show that when customers are reminded with text, there is over a 30% decrease in the number of missed appointments. Missed appointments for most industries mean lost revenue.

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