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Mobile marketing has never been more important than it is these days. Just look around you – how many Smartphones do you see? They are truly everywhere, and many people are using them each and every day to make decisions about what businesses to patronize, which products to buy, and which professionals to hire. This is true for the legal profession as well! Your potential clients are using their smart phones to search for legal information, and to find attorneys to represent them in a wide range of matters. If you are a lawyer, you should definitely be using mobile marketing for lawyers and law firms to increase visibility for yourself and your firm. Here is a bit of information about how mobile marketing can help you to get more clients, and to spread your message to more people about your law practice.

Attorneys & Law Firms

Mobile Optimized Websites & Lawyers


If a potential client reaches your website through a search performed on a mobile phone, your website needs to be optimized for the mobile format in order for you to best communicate with the potential client. Most attorney websites are not mobile optimized, which means that it is not ideal for a user to find the information that they are looking for without getting frustrated. In fact, some desktop websites don’t even show up at all on some mobile devices.


A mobile optimized website will be fitted exactly to the mobile screen. The content will be customized for a mobile device. After all, when consumers access information from a mobile phone, they usually do not want to read 90 pages of information, they would prefer an abbreviated version of the content. Also, a Click-to-Call button is essential on a mobile website, there fore the user doesn’t have to try to memorize the phone number to call your practice, they simply click a button.

Attorney Consultation Confirmations


Offering free consultations is a great way to attract potential clients. However, there's not much that is more irritating than when a potential client does not show up for a free consultation. This is because lawyers are busy professionals, and likely have to schedule around time that is devoted to consultation. Time wasted is money lost for attorneys. By using text message appointment reminder and confirmation systems, you can ensure that potential clients receive confirmation and reminders of any consultations you have set up for them, which will increase the likelihood that they actually show up for the consult.


Text Message Marketing for Law Firms


Text message marketing is an incredible tool for lawyers. As mentioned above, text message appointment reminder & confirmations systems are worth their weight in gold. But how about offering a mobile coupon for a Free Consultation via text message to your potential clients. You could place a keyword with a short code on your marketing materials and advertisements that may say something like this:


  • For a Free Consultation with our Law firm simply text the word: LAWYER to 71441 and you will instantly receive a mobile coupon for a Free consultation directly on your mobile device!


Promotions like these get great results.


These are just a few ways that mobile marketing can help your law practice to get more clients, and to be more visible in the online marketplace. If you are ready to begin using mobile marketing for lawyers to your advantage, be sure to contact us as soon as you can so you can begin to see the amazing results.

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