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The Appointment Notification module allows for 2-way messaging and can deliver to entire groups or one phone at a time. With these abilities, and more, the system is used not just for appointment reminders, but for internal communications for nationwide companies, employee group messaging, and much more.

The appointment notification module allows for the ability to upload groups of people via CVS with any categories desired. (I.E.: Name, email, division, sex, mobile number, office location, address, etc.)

Messages can be sent immediately or scheduled out into the future to databases that are uploaded or even utilizing groups that have opted into mobile campaigns previously.

Medical Professionals

HipChime Mobile Marketing for Medical Professionals

This service is utilized by Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians, Mechanics, Gyms, Trainers, Chiropractors, and more. If a company would benefit from timely arrivals, fewer no-shows, increaesed revenues and happier clients, then look no further than this solution.


Whether integrated into your existing appointment and scheduling software and auto-generated, or the inexpensive out-of-the box solution, the results will be dramatic in bringing a return-on-investment.

When clients receive a message from the Contact Manager it creates a session in which they can respond back instantly via text message from their phone. The message then appears in the inbox of the platform and can then continue to be responded to again by the operator of the software. This web to phone chat session and message flow is archived in the platform and available for auditing at later dates.

Studies show that when customers are reminded with text, there is more than a 30% decrease in the number of missed appointments. Missed appointments for most industries means lost revenue.

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