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SMS Marketing

SMS (short messaging service) marketing is a fairly new technique that uses text messaging as a means of marketing products or services. In a short time it has become a legitimate channel of communications for companies wanting to get a message out to their established client base. SMS marketing is an opt-in tactic considered to be one of the most direct and personal forms of marketing. Imagine sending a special offer to over 2000 customers during a slow period of business as simply as pressing send. With text messaging being the primary form of communication in 2013, the chances of your offer being viewed is over 95 percent! This one message has the potential to sway a customer's decision to your benefit.


Mobile Website

Despite over 50% of all mobile phone users owning Smartphones, a large majority of websites are not currently formatted to support mobile devices. It's an inconvenience to consistently adjust the page to fit the screen, regardless of zoom capabilities. However, with a mobile site, all pages and functions are tuned to work purely for mobile devices. This allows users to easily read and access any information or services just as simply as they would from a desktop at home. Endorsing this market change helps maintain current clientele as well as attract future customers.


Mobile Apps

One of the most notable and multi-faceted tools a business can use is the Mobile Application, or “Apps”.  Apps are a do-it-all platform for any form of business. Whether it be making reservations at a restaurant, purchasing products, or supplying hours of business, its potential is limitless! How does this differ from a mobile website? The answer is in its exclusivity. You can reward customer loyalty with special coupons or offers based on the frequency of their visits. A mobile site can display information to any casual viewer, but a mobile app shows who is truly a fan of your brand.


QR Codes

QR codes are the least known, but most versatile marketing tool available today. These peculiar squares are shortcuts to every aspect of your mobile repertoire. Customers and prospects can simply download a free QR code scanner to their Smartphones and then scan a QR code of any size to be redirected to a mobile website, a video, receive a coupon, an offer, an incentive or anything you wish. Our system captures the mobile number of the person scanning the QR code and gives you the ability to market to them in the future. Whether it's linking customers to your mobile site or social network page, promoting exclusive coupons, or just advertising a product, the possibilities are endless!

Mobile Marketing


What does going mobile have to offer?


HipChime Mobile Marketing Mobile Wesites
HipChime Mobile Marketing Mobile Apps
HipChime Mobile Marketing
HipChime Mobile Marketing QR Codes

Mobile Marketing (SMS Marketing) produces the highest ROI of any advertising/marketing method ever devised. use the ROI Calculator below to see for yourself.

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