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Mobile Website Design & Development


Maybe you have a website and maybe it’s doing fine – Getting some traffic through to it. But have you thought about getting a mobile website designed? Is it worth it? Surely it would be only a gimmick, just a little extra to offer visitors? The internet is growing fast. It has since its inception some twenty years ago. In fact, the internet is the fastest growing technology that mankind has ever created. New technologies, software and hardware developments help to increase our need and ultimately our dependence for the internet more and more. However, one of the most interesting and probably not so surprising statistics to show internet usage of late, are the figures based on mobile internet usage.


According to data provided by the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide New Media Market Model (NMMM), from 2010 onwards, it is highly likely that there will be more users accessing the internet using mobile technology than the traditional old methods. Let me repeat that. Most people are accessing the internet via mobile means rather than traditional methods.

Mobile Websites

Think about it. Most people owning cell phones have access to the internet. Tablet PCs like the iPad are becoming extremely attractive alternatives to notebooks and the like, and will only continue to grow more and more powerful, more and more useful.


What does this mean for the traditional standalone website? In most cases, it means that those websites, while performing well on computer screens, do not perform at all well on mobile technology. Users are out and about now. They need information immediately, they need to find a shop or a business, they can access the internet on their phones or iPads and they log on, type their search criteria into Google and what appears to be the solution to their problems appears at the top of page 1 of Google. Fantastic, it’s your site.


They click on this site. Oh no. The site does not display properly on their device. The user returns to the search results page, selects the next site (your competitor’s), and this displays beautifully on their device, and provides them with all the information they need. The user is happy, your competitor is happy, but you're not. Why? Because you haven't optimized your site for mobile technology...and you're throwing business away.


For every second that passes and your site is not optimized for mobile use, you are losing more and more business. Remember, more and more people are using mobile technology to serve their internet needs and while you still remain at position 1 in Google, you are losing so much business by not being able to display your services or products to this market. This massively growing mobile market.


The solution is thankfully quite simple. You need a mobile optimized website. All the content, all your services, products and information is all there, on your regular website, so all you need to do is to essentially reformat the display of your site in order that it will display properly on a mobile device. There are plenty of tutorials providing useful information on how to do this, of course it depends on how your site was created, but the safest and best way if you are unsure how, is to employ a professional to do this, especially if time is not on your side.

Mobile Conversion

Mobile User Friendly - We build and use text; displaying your important information that users on the go and in a hurry want to see most of all. Using our sites, they will be able to find you quickly and easily.​​​​​​​

Fast to Load - Our websites are designed for ALL mobile phones and will load in seconds. A desktop site can take 40 seconds or more to load on a mobile device.

Build it Once - Once we build a mobile version of your site that is optimized for all of the 2500 devices that can access the mobile web, you don't have to choose between the iPhone, Droid or Blackberry. We make it work for everyone.​


One time setup fee as little as


Hosting & Maintenance - from $29

















HipChime Mobile Marketing Mobile Websites & Apps

HipChime Mobile Marketing builds enterprise level applications for all of the Smartphones in the marketplace. Having your brand accessible from the desktop of your current and potential customers’ phones provides a whole new type of top-of-mind awareness not available to most companies today. Our ability to deliver Smartphone apps to the Mom and Pops of the world brings the cost down dramatically. Want a Smartphone app that you can login and change your specials daily? Want your icon on the screen of your customers Smartphones today? Call us and find out how we can get this going for you for thousands of dollars less than expected.


We can create beautiful web apps for Smartphone users! One click and customers know about your company. Our platform links your companies’ app to a mobile website that can be updated regularly to keep your customers in the know and aware of your best deals, events, and more! With Smartphone Applications you can reach a highly interactive segment of your client base and use them to drive traffic, referrals, impressions and revenue.

92% of the world, as of January 2012, are mobile subscribers. 60% of Internet users also access the web through their mobile device. Those are staggering numbers as compared to even last year, and they're deceptively subtle in the real world.​It’s still a common mistake of many companies to not offer at least landing or contact pages that are mobile-friendly to their customers. Fewer than 25% of businesses have optimized their content for mobile browsers. This can leave potential customers frustrated when trying to interact with your brand on-the-go and could drive them into the hands of your competitors.


We provide an easy to use mobile website builder plug-in through our HipChime Marketing Center and our Advanced Mobile Website Builder can create State Of The Art mobile web sites, complete with m-commerce.HipChime Web ServicesHipChime recognizes that creating a mobile presence is essential to any company looking to enhance their digital presence and create a comprehensive marketing program. Your customers are not always sitting in front of their computers looking for your business. They're on the go and want to connect to you anytime... wherever they are.


Our seasoned experts can advise you on how best to maximize your mobile presence with your existing website, create a mobile web site from scratch and explore emerging opportunities in mobile marketing.


Our Mobile Web Sites are state of the art, commercial grade, robust and optimized. The one time set up fee is as little as $599 with monthly hosting and maintenance from just $29 thereafter. Updates are included in the monthly fee and there is no limit to the number of updates you may require to keep your site just as you wish it.

© 2008 - 2016 by HipChime Mobile * Mobile Marketing, Mobile/Native Apps & HTML 5 Mobile Websites for Small Businesses * All Rights Reserved

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