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Rise of Mobile Marketing

Over the past few years traditional advertising has yielded to the growing medium of Mobile Marketing. Today more and more businesses are going mobile. Coffee shops, retail chains, even your local chiropractor have adopted mobile technology in order to advance and increase opportunities within their respective markets. Embracing this technological change has grown increasingly critical in maintaining the relevancy and success of your business. Mobile marketing has combined speed, ease-of-use, and convenience to allow customers an avenue to research information, purchase goods, and connect via social networks all within the palm of their hand!  


These numbers speak for themselves:


  • 5 billion mobile users world wide

  • 91% of cell phone users keep their phone with them at all times

  • 97% of text messages are read within 4 minutes of receipt

  • By 2014 mobile internet is predicted to overtake desktop internet usage

How We Help You

We know you can appreciate the statistics presented. It's a primary focus of ours to digest these numbers and assist you in developing a business strategy to draw in as many mobile users as possible. This goal is driven by three fundamental concepts: 


Get Mobile. Get Social. Get Going! 


The focus behind each being…


Mobile Marketing The Bread & Butter of our comprehensive Marketing plan. We use every possible outlet to reach your client base.



Social Media Just as expansive as our Mobile Marketing function. Only the most appropriate social platforms are employed.



Custom Marketing Plan We sit down one-on-one and develop a marketing plan based purely on your business’s individual needs.




Applying these concepts to your current business model grants you the opportunity to adapt for the future. You may not find need all of our services, but we guarantee to craft the ideal model for your business to reach the next level. At HipChime Mobile Marketing we want to make the most of the technology available. Don't wait to act! Stay ahead of the curve and your competitors by calling us today at (503)-489-9090 for a no obligation consultation!

“Mobile is ramping up faster than any other technology we've seen in the past... and that includes the Internet"

© 2008 - 2016 by HipChime Mobile * Mobile Marketing, Mobile/Native Apps & HTML 5 Mobile Websites for Small Businesses * All Rights Reserved

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Mobile Marketing




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