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ALWAYS go where the consumers are...
And get there FIRST!
Is Your Advertising Getting A 500% ROI?

If not, we need to talk!


Mobile is still a relatively uncluttered and spam-free marketing channel and the one form of communication that reaches its targeted recipient, anytime and wherever “they” are. (97% of all SMS marketing messages are opened within four minutes). 


That’s 8 times more than email and 10 times more than direct mail!



They click on your site. Oh no. The site doesn't display properly on their device. The user returns to the search results page, selects the next site (your competitor’s), and this displays beautifully on their device, and provides them with all the information they need. The user is happy, your competitor is happy, but you're not. Why? Because you haven't optimized your site for mobile technology...and you're throwing business away.



Apps are great for bars, nightclubs, restaurants and retailers. Having the capability to deliver rich content, compelling images and slideshows, loyalty programs, and tons of great features.


Today customers are better informed than ever, and looking for the type of personal, interactive experience that only a mobile app can deliver.


With our solutions, you control everything.


We also provide solutions that are specifically designed to help build brand loyalty and create frequent buyers for your business with the use of our coupon system.



Sign up for a FREE demo right here!

Imagine a hair salon that takes appointments to serve their clients. One particular afternoon, the salon has some cancellations, and the stylists find themselves with nothing to do. They blast out a text message to their list of regular clients that says “The first 3 people to call and schedule an appt between 3 and 5 pm today get 10% off. Call NOW!” Their phone starts ringing within minutes, and they get 3 appointments scheduled to fill the time slot that would have otherwise COST them money.


A restaurant is slow at 4:30 in the afternoon and not many booked for dinner. A targeted blast, with a good value propostition, generates 10 tables of revenue that would have been missed.  


This scenario can play out for almost any type of business; you just have to get creative! That’s where we come in. We can help you build a list of loyal customers who are always looking for a deal, and create a plan to make slow days a thing of the past.

Today’s smartphone is not just for calls and texts; it’s a rich multimedia tool nearly as powerful as a computer! Consumers today are on the go and rely on their smartphones to provide them with the information they need, when they need it. They demand it to be mobile friendly and they want it delivered in bite size pieces.


You can utilize this tool to connect with your loyal customers and fill in the “slow days”.

© 2008 - 2016 by HipChime Mobile * Mobile Marketing, Mobile/Native Apps & HTML 5 Mobile Websites for Small Businesses * All Rights Reserved

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