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Create a keyword on one of a number of short codes assigned to you, program the response you want it to send back, and your keyword is live. Create keyword campaigns for text coupons, virtual business cards, to help capture email, deliver pictures back in response, send 2 messages at once, or even capture comments in one of a couple different ways. Want OUR system to notify you or anyone else when someone texts in to the keyword? Just enable lead notifications so that when someone texts in to your keyword, you get either an instant text message, an email, or both, stating that someone has just texted your keyword and provides the phone number for instant follow up. The keyword creator has so many options and such flexibility, this is really where 95% of all campaigns reside.


The blasting function allows for a user to select from permission based databases of phone numbers and schedule out messages to be sent out immediately or in the future. When scheduling out messages to existing databases the system automatically inserts a “Reply STOP to Stop” message at the end of every text. This text can be shortened or modified at times, but it is recommended to leave it in every text message according to best-practices and MMA guidelines. Scheduling out messages to multiple groups is easy and quick.


The Auto-Responder feature enables a user to create a keyword and schedule out future messages that automatically happen based on the time and date that the keyword is engaged with. Trigger unlimited future messages all triggered off of the initial engagement via text to the keyword. Examples of real world deployment of this feature would be an oil change store running a Point of Sale campaign getting users to text in to receive an instant, environmentally friendly coupon for the next time they visit. They get an instant text back off of the keyword, and also receive a message exactly 30 days later giving the coupon for their next visit. Other messages may be scheduled off of this engagement at 180, 270, or 360, etc. days into the future in the increments desired based off of the initial engagement.

Voting and Polling

​Whether starting a Voting/Polling campaign from a keyword that someone engages with or blasting out to an existing group, every business loves the opportunity to get feedback from their clientele. Voting/Polling allows a user to create a question and define the possible responses, like multiple choice. Once people select their choice via text, the platform records those responses. Advanced features of Voting/Polling allow for a user to post results LIVE on a digital display using a version of Text 2 Screen embedded right into the application, run the results to the web via an RSS feed, send results back to the recipient via text in real time, and even capture email from people participating in the campaign.​


Creating great events is easy when campaigns are created where users can text in their comments, votes, pledges, or shout-outs, and they instantly appear on the fully customizable display. Worried they might say something silly? Simply enable the “Moderator” and someone can approve all messages that appear instantly. Text-to-Screen is a great tool to use for churches, at events, or even sporting venues. The campaign allows the user to fully customize the background colors, images, verbiage that appears and then hook a computer into the digital display of the venue and start texting. Texts come in and can either instantly appear on the screen or go through a moderator that can be controlled through the control panel.


Have a lot of questions you want to ask? Send out a Survey campaign and reward the users with a coupon at the end! The Survey tool allows the user to create unlimited multiple choice questions and answers. When a user texts in and answers the first of the series, they get the subsequent questions until they run out. Many restaurants run Survey campaigns to get detailed feedback on many different issues for quality assurance. They often will reward their customer’s time by giving them a prize or coupon at the end of the series of questions.​


Trivia contests are one of the most engaging and interesting ways to create opt-ins. Create a new trivia campaign related to the business; make the question or series of questions interesting, and consumers text in and instantly get a response, right or wrong. Reward the contestants at the end for their participation. In the Trivia module a user can determine the appropriate amount of questions that the contestants need to answer correctly in order to determine whether they get one of two prizes. Example: The grand prize text response might come to those that answer 95% of the answers correctly, while the consolation prize text goes to those that score lower than that threshold.


Create other great engagements with the ever popular Text-to-Win. Users can select every 9th winner (or a number of your choice), or the secondary option to choose one lucky person at the end of a time frame. Winners get notified (as do the business owners that will be awarding the prize), and non-winners get a predetermined consolation text. Many advanced options are built into this robust campaign including the ability to capture email at the time of entry, deliver variable results, enable or disable the ability to re-enter contests, removal of winners from future campaigns, and much more.


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