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It’s a slow night at the restaurant. Not many reservations and you need to fill some seats.

What if you could instantly send out a text message to a few hundred of your customers with a 2-for-1 coupon or special?

Customers all over town receive your message just when they were starting to think about what they were going to do for dinner…

You get a 97% read rate in less than 4 minutes and 35+% respond to your offer and redeem your coupon!

With HipChime, you can do just that and much more!

When customers visit your establishment or see your ads, they send a text message to your keyword and receive a response.


At the same time, the customer’s mobile phone number, wireless carrier and opt-in date/time is stored in your database for future messages.


Using the HipChime control panel, you set up what kind of response they receive, and what you do with the incoming message.

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